Welcome to the jungle


Hello friend and welcome back. It's been more than 5 years since I posted anything on this blog. A lot has happened in those 5 years. I got married, had two kids, bought a house and changed jobs 3 times. In between life happening I didn't feel spending time on writing posts, for a blog read by very few people, was time well spend.

So why a reboot?

Over the last few years I have learned a lot and grown as a Software Developer. But I always felt like there was more to learn that didn't really fit into whatever my day-job was at the time. The gist of the why is, that I want to hone some of my software development skills, and maybe pick up some new skills along the way. The blog gives me an outlet to share my learnings, and will maybe be helpful for my future self or even you.

What should I write about

The posts I intend to write here fall into two categories. The first category is simple tips. Small snippets of code, shortcuts in Xcode or sweet UI tricks that I want to remember but also share with others. Previously I would share these on Twiter, but since I don't really go there more, I will write them up here, and perhaps toot them (LOL) on Mastodon 🤷🏼‍♂️.

The second kind are project updates. A have a few smaller ideas for apps that I'd like to work on. I will post updates and share my thoughts througout the development. Mostly these will be for myself to reason through problems and to get some sense of progress along the way.

Can't wait to share more, and getting some writing done again.

See you on the next one 👋